Investing my inheritance


I was introduced to Peter 20 years ago, just after I was widowed. I found myself with a substantial amount of money to invest for my future – never having had to deal with this before, I needed serious expert advice.

Discussions took place about the amount of risk I was prepared to take etc.  with my investments – it was always explained in terms I could understand.

I now find the savings made over the years ‘keep a roof over my head’ and afford me a lovely lifestyle, particularly now that I have retired.

Peter is an expert in the financial field, trustworthy and will not let you down. Over the years he has become a treasured friend and is always willing to help you.

Take that first step and forget your worries about the future – you will be in safe hands!


The value of your investment (and any income from them) can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested.

Get in touch