Peter, MD

Diploma in Financial Planning
Cert CII (MP)
Statement of Professional Standing


I’ve been working as a financial planner for over 30 years. Pensions and retirement planning have been my speciality since 1993.

Since the changes in 2015, pensions have become interesting again. There is so much more we can do both now and in the future. We get a lot more enquiries from people who have had a plan for years, had no help with it and want to know more about their options.

We also specialise in old Bank & Building Society Investments and Bonds - since many of the High Street providers have given up regulated financial advice, we meet more people who want to know what they have and how it is doing.

The vast majority of my clients do not care one jot for details of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988; they want to know that their pension or ISA will keep them when they are old.

New clients approach us with arrangements that are unclear, uncertain or unsuitable. Our job is to explain the situation, good or bad and, if appropriate, present a solution. we make and fix things.


Originally from Lancashire, I live in the countryside with my wife, Sue and all of our dogs - all of whom make me happy.

We’re habitual dog walkers, we love the countryside, the open space, clean air and the local wildlife. We like travelling too - visiting new places and finding good places to eat.

After work you’ll often find me in my workshop making or repairing something – whether it’s a bit of antique furniture or a vintage motorcycle that need a bit of TLC. Bringing something back to working order and making it beautiful again is something I find personally rewarding and very satisfying.

Come to think of it, it’s not so dissimilar to my working life -investing ideas is like a repair shop for investments and financial planning!

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